Chloe Playz's carrd

Basic info!

Name: Chloe

Age: minor, that's all I'm telling
Gender: non-binary
Sexuality: A-spec, lithromantic
Race: Asian (GMT +8)
Neurodevelopmental disorder: ADHD
Favorite color(s): Pink, literally any pastel color


  • MCYT

  • drawing

  • literally anything that I'm very interested in at this moment


Basic boundaries

  • minor so no weird stuff

  • do not search/ask for my personal info on purpose

  • don't purposely search for my old things and talk crap about it

  • RTs are wholeheartedly appreciated, however please don't PQRT unless I follow you

Even MORE boundaries

  • don't go "omg can we be friends?" if we haven't talked before

  • if you think that I need to be educated, please do it in the DMs (please do educate me! I want to know what I did wrong ^^)

  • avoid using "/neg" s on me. Again, if you think I did something wrong DM me

  • Please avoid talking about my statistics on social media and comparing me to others, I am very uncomfortable with that.

For close friends

  • please do not leak any of my personal information

  • you can DM me, but don't spam me. please. (unless I didn't told you off after you spam, then we cool)

  • tagging is fine

(only for irl people) please if you stumble upon my social accounts please don't go stalk me on all platforms
(except for people who I gave permission)
also don't go spreading my socials to our IRL mutuals bc chances are that I don't want this to be spreading in my IRL social groups.

Art boundaries!

  • Using my art in anything is ok as long as you credit me :)

  • Do not trace/copy any of my content

  • stolen art without credit will be asked to be taken down, and if not taken down further actions will be done

Note: If you see stolen/traced art of my art, please inform me in DMs thanks

Notes for Interactions!


  • anyone who breaks most of my boundaries

  • homophobic, transphobic, etc

  • poppytwt

  • IRL schoolmates/friends (except a few, If I gave you my socials myself, you are probably welcomed)

Notes about me

  • I'm very impulsive, so PLEASE EDUCATE ME when you see me doing morally wrong things or just generally bad things. PLEASE.

  • All of my jokes are "/lh" and "/j" and definitely "/nsrs"

  • I'm not very good at tone indicators

  • It's best if you interact with me using tone indicators

  • I use FULL UPPERCASE a lot

  • I have typos most of the time + sometimes wrong grammar